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2nd Year Construction Unit St. Mary's.

Grace Donnelly

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Theme: Who we are

Scenario: Through the theme who we are they will create a printed face mask of their wire sculpture to cover their wire sculpture

Aim of Unit of Learning

Through experimental printing, drawing and the study of the human face students will explore, colour, form, shape and line through exploration on the theme who we are to create a lino print and wire sculpture

Learning outcomes for scheme/unit of learning:

Critical and visual language

Analyse and discuss their design and that of others in relation to their final design


Show they can develop their skills and ideas in relation to the final design through multiple drawings

Visual culture and application

Be able to compare and contrast techniques of other artists who create mixed media paintings


Through colour and shape expand their knowledge on painting


Critique their choice of media in their own work and that of others

Key Skills/ Statements of Learning





SOL 9- Understand the origins and impacts of social, economic and environmental aspects of the world around her/him

SOL 23: The student brings an idea from conception to realisation

SOL 21: The student applies practical skills as she/he develops products using a variety of materials.

SOL 4: The student creates and presents artistic works and appreciates the process and skills involved.

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